Problem-1: Write a C program to cheek two number is not
same, and print it is “Same Number” and if they are not same
print “sorry it is not same,
“Same Number”
“Same Number”
Note: one number is 1 and another is 3
Problem-2: Write a C program taking two numbers from the
user and check if they are the same or not .
Input: Output:
4 “Same Number”
2 “Not Same Number”( else condition)
Note: using the integer data type
Problem-3: Write a C program taking two
numbers from the user and check two number’s sums are greater
than their minus.
Input: Output:
4 “Yes ture”
2 “Not ”( else condition)
Note: use integer data type.
Problem-4:Write a C program taking two integer
numbers from the user check two
number’s multiplication are greater than their
Minus or not. And print it “The multiplications are greater
than minus.”
Note: Using the float data type
Problem-5: Write a C program to check two
number’s multiplication are greater than their
Divide or not.
Note: Use double data type.
Problem-6: Write a C program to check five
number’s multiplication are greater than their
Divide or not
Note: Use double data type
Problem-7: Write a C program to check two
number’s multiplication are greater than their
Divide or not
Note: using integer data type
Problem-8: Write a C program to check two
number’s multiplication are greater than their
divide. And print it the value of two numbers.
4 and 2 multiplication is 8 and divide is 2.
Note: the will not zero and using integer data type
Problem-9: Write a C program taking two
numbers from the user and check their
multiplication is greater than their divide.
And print it the value of two number
Input: Output:
4 4 and 2 multiplication
is 8 and divide is 2.
0 sorry it is same
Note: using float data type
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