Why use <br> ?
When we need to make a new line inside a paragraph tag. Then used <br> . HTML document Browser ignores line break or extra space inside HTML Browser will manage margin automatically
before and after the tag <p> When we needed to end our line stop and start the new line then we used <br> .
What will happen when we don’t use <br>?
Code without <br>:
In here you can see that we use new line in our code but we don't used
<br>. It now reads one line in the browser. We know Browsers ignore extra space and new lines. We need to say to the browser ,hay start a new line by <br> tags. When we use more space and start a new line. It makes a single space between last-first and last-second words.
You see the difference.
What are our solutions?
We use <br> for line breaks and we need to use extra space.
We need more tags like: ,   ,   ,  
We will learn more in the next.
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