Why use <a> ?
When we want to add a link into our webpage. We used <a>
Sometimes we need to add some examples or details in our topic.
But we don’t want to discuss in our web pages we add a link.
So that our reader can read more information by clicking on this link.
When our reader clicks on this link it goes to a new webpage.
<a href="https://basicgetin.blogspot.
com/2022/10/html-all-tags.html">All html tags</a>
herf="in here we write our webpage slink which will show when our visitor clicked. after closing <a herf=" weblink> in this write will show to our reader, what is this in this link. we write to give inform to our reader what is this. </a>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<a href="https://basicgetin.blogspot.
com/2022/10/html-all-tags.html">When you clicked here it
will show all html tags</a>
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